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Downtown Business Surveys & Results

Data informed decisions, programs and initiatives.

Downtown Tucson Partnership (DTP) is committed to creating and maintaining a vibrant, safe and welcoming downtown. The health and safety of downtown is our #1 priority. DTP in partnership with downtown restaurants, retail and cultural institutions are taking extra steps to ensure businesses and public spaces are clean and safe for the community. As such, we've conducted and will continue to conduct a series of business and community surveys to get an idea of the current needs of the community through informative data.

All surveys are currently closed.

Testing and Safe Reopening Survey

In preparation for Downtown Tucson's safe reopening scheduled for October 1, we asked merchants, retailers and larger employers downtown to fill out a business status and testing survey. We received 120 responses, including all three of downtown's major employers: Pima County, City of Tucson and Tucson Electric Power. This voluntary survey helped provide valuable information regarding which businesses would be open on October 1 and inform us of the testing needs of the downtown community.

Testing and Safe Reopening Survey results

Community Outreach Survey

The Community Outreach Survey was conducted to better understand how the public would like to engage with public spaces and local businesses. We received 1,434 responses hailing from 35 different zip codes. The survey results are being shared with downtown businesses, community leaders and elected officials to implement policies and measures to guide us through a safe and economically viable reopening of Downtown Tucson.

Community Outreach Survey results

Outdoor Café Survey

Downtown restaurants, bars and breweries were surveyed to help us quantify the need and impact of temporarily expanding restaurant seating areas onto sidewalks, parking spaces, parking lots, streets, alleys and other public spaces to maximize social distancing in response to the COVID-19 outbreak.  The results from this survey helped us advocate and implement necessary programs for downtown businesses.

Outdoor Café Survey results