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Sun Link 5-year Anniversary Celebration, July 27th


Sun Link 5-year Anniversary Celebration, July 27th

Free rides all day and events along streetcar route

TUCSON, Ariz. – The Sun Link streetcar celebrates its 5th Anniversary! On Saturday, July 27th, Sun Link will mark the milestone with free rides from 8 a.m. to 2 a.m., sponsored by Rio Nuevo, and special events within the Districts along the streetcar route.

All events are open to the public and free to attend. See schedule below:

9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. – Brunch at Mercado San Agustin, with an acoustic performance by Natty & the Sunset.

11:00 a.m. – Guided tour onboard the streetcar.

  • Learn about Sun Link’s 5-year history, plus the growing list of destinations and attractions along the route.

  • Board at the Mercado District stop located at Avenida Del Convento/Congress St.

11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. – Sun Link’s party at 8th St. and 4th Ave.

  • Meet with Dusty the Roadrunner and the Arizona Avengers, tour the Old Pueblo Trolley, read stories on the streetcar, and dance to music by DJ Alias.

2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. – Story time at the UA BookStore, featuring Pete the Cat, presented by the UA BookStore and UA Parking & Transportation Services.

  • Special appearance from Wilbur and the UA Cheer team.

  • UA Bookstore is located just south of the 2nd St/Highland streetcar stop.

5:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. – Family entertainment and concert at Main Gate Square.

  • Face painting and balloon animals with 2-EEE the Clown.

  • 6:00 p.m. – performance by Autumn Dominguez Quintet at Gentle Ben’s.

  • Main Gate Square is located at the University Blvd/Tyndall Ave. streetcar stop.

The Sun Link streetcar was launched on July 25, 2014 and has since provided approximately 4.77 million rides to passengers.

The streetcar system was funded by the Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) as part of the RTA’s 20-year regional transportation plan approved by voters in May 2006. The RTA contributed approximately $163 million toward construction and operations. The streetcar system also received more than $60 million in federal grants.

For parking information along the streetcar route, visit or

For additional Sun Link information and for trip planning assistance, call the Customer Satisfaction Center at (520) 792-9222 (TDD: 520-628-1565) or visit

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The Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) is a special taxing district with a mission to deliver transportation projects that improve our region’s mobility, safety and environment. District voters approved the 20-year RTA plan in 2006. As of 2018, the RTA’s transportation project investments of over $1 billion, generated by the RTA’s half-cent excise tax, are working to support the region’s economic vitality and improve your quality of life.


Contact: Pat Richter
Director of Marketing and Communications
(520) 206-8810; (520) 237-5905 (cell)

Contact: Sheila Storm
Communications Director
(520) 495-1451