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Pima County Pop Up Vaccination Site for Downtown

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“Vax at the Fox” on Fridays

DOWNTOWN TUCSON, AZ  – To increase accessibility of vaccines in the community, the Pima County Health Department is pleased to announce a new “Vax After Dark” site will open Downtown at the Fox Tucson Theatre on Fridays, April 30, May 7, 14, 28 and June 4 and 11. Open from 4 to 8pm, this is a unique opportunity to share a Friday evening with friends, have dinner at one of the many restaurants now open, visit the Fox for a Vax After Dark and move on to the next destination.  “While we continue to work behind-the-scenes toward reopening this fall, and putting the Fox back to work doing what she does best – shows! – we are thrilled to contribute to the community in this way. With Vax After Dark happening at the Fox, people can get their shot at a pretty great spot,” said Fox Executive Director Bonnie Schock.

Partnering with community venues such as the Fox, to offer night and weekend vaccinations sites has helped to even out the registration process and made it convenient for people with all kinds of work schedules to get vaccinated.  Vaccinations are open to anyone over 18 years of age and are free of charge.  Those who have had their first vaccination elsewhere, are welcome to get their second shot at the Fox as long as they provide their vaccination card and it has been at least 28 days since their first shot.

The Downtown Tucson Partnership was instrumental in helping to secure a centralized location with easy access for the downtown pop-up vaccination site. The Fox fit the bill on all accounts. DTP President and CEO Katheen Eriksen is so pleased that the Fox worked out. “The Fox Theatre makes perfect sense as the location for Vax After Dark. This beautiful historic theatre provides a spacious and safe venue for the community to receive the much needed vaccine. We're hoping people will come early and stay late to support downtown businesses while they are here”.

Paradigm Laboratories will administer the Moderna vaccination on site. This opportunity is open to walk-ins only – no pre-registration is available.