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Meet Me at Maynards Celebrates 10th Birthday!


Meet Me at Maynards Celebrates 10th Birthday with music/more music/walk/run/games/food/ musical after-party!

TUCSON, AZ (March 27, 2019) – Get Out! And head downtown to join in the celebration for Meet Me at Maynards’ (MMM) 10th birthday party, Monday, April 15, title sponsored by HealthOn, powered by TMC Healthcare and El Rio Health.

The birthday party begins at Hotel Congress and includes a 2.5-mile walk/run with live bands/musicians, entertainment and birthday games to test your skills. Join us for the festivities at Hotel Congress...for music by “After 7,” a discounted meal at Hotel Congress and a free raffle with numerous gift certificates from participating “Meet Me” restaurants and businesses.”

Walkers and runners will be entertained by 26 local bands and musicians along the evening's 2.5-mile route. Complete details about the event, including a map of the route and a listing of all bands and their locations, can be found at https:

When: Monday, April 15, from 5 to 8 p.m.
Where: Hotel Congress…311 E. Congress
Who: Adults and families of all ages
Cost: Event is free

Since its inception, Meet Me at Maynards has brought a total attendance of 222,000 to downtown Tucson. MMM is the meeting place for active adults and families on Monday evenings, enjoying exercise, live music and discounts in 25+ restaurants. MMM has a dual purpose of healthy exercise and exposing thousands of people to Tucson’s downtown.

MMM history and goals
Meet Me at Maynards (MMM) began April 13, 2009 and has become a tradition in downtown Tucson. The event begins/ends at Maynards Market...every Monday at 5:15 pm, rain, shine and holidays.

The MMM cheer is “GET OUT”, expressing the goals to get out and get moving, get outwith friends and family and get out to support our downtown. MMM offers incentive awards for attendance milestones – eight times earns a free MMM t-shirt, 10 a listing on the MMM website, 15 a MMM running cap and 50 a MMM pin. 100 times at MMM earns the much-coveted royal purple Century Club shirt. And it goes on to the quintuple Century Club. More than 8,500 awards have been earned for consistent attendance.

Maynards to the Moon
One of the most significant goals reached by the group was a virtual walk to the moon of 238,000 miles, which began in July 2018, with the help of the Arizona Daily Star. The intended year-long event celebrates a healthy community and the 2019 50th anniversary of Neil Armstrong’s walk on the moon. MMM participants and hundreds of Tucsonans banded to together, measuring their miles walked/run/cycled…reaching their goal nearly four months early. “On April 1 we will celebrate our ‘moon landing.’ Tucson City Councilman Steve Kozachik, who has logged in more than 4000 miles toward the goal, will lead a walk starting at 5:30. After the walk he will sign achievement certificates for participants who entered more than 1500 miles each,“ says Meet Me at Maynards founder, Jannie Cox.

About “MMM athletes”
The “MMM athletes” and volunteers have a sense of community, pride and ownership regarding Tucson’s downtown. The weekly 2 to 4-mile walk/run route has shown them historic sites, beautiful architecture and residential neighborhoods. They have become local experts about where to park, eat, drink and be entertained. More than 25 local eateries welcome participants with Monday night discounts and most provide gift certificates for the free raffle at the conclusion of each event.

MMM is sponsored by:

• HealthOn
• Tucson Medical Center
• El Rio Community Health Center
• The Running Shop
• The Arizona Daily Star
• Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arizona
• Rio Nuevo
• BBVA Compass Bank
• Tucson Orthopaedic Institute
• Carol Nigut/Coldwell Banker

Meet Me at Maynards has a “sister” event in Tucson held on Wednesdays, called Meet WednesdayS.