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HOCO Fest 2017, Aug 30 - Sep 3


HoCo Fest redux pulls in diverse national acts for genre-shattering music

HoCo Fest, now in its 12th year, will be bigger and bolder. “I was pushing year after year to push it to the next level,” said Matt Baquet, a Tucson native whose New York-based company, Flip Your Wig Media, helped Dave Slutes of Hotel Congress, sponsor of the festival, curate the music.

HoCo Fest, Tucson’s Labor Day music tradition for the past 11 years, is getting a makeover for year 12.

Instead of three days of mostly local and regional acts, the festival at Hotel Congress, 311 E. Congress St., expands to five days with artists — most of them newcomers to Tucson stages — coming from around the country and beyond.

And the music won’t be the festival’s only focal point: The weekend will feature a guest lecture, a vintage clothing fair, a vinyl record fair, free regional liquor tastings, yoga and some wildly experimental desert after-parties that will go on into the wee hours.

To read the full story by Cathalena E. Burch of Arizona Daily Star, click here.


For more information on HOCO Fest and to purchase tickets, click here.