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Fridays On Fourth


Merchants launch Fridays on Fourth Avenue in downtown Tucson

The Fourth Avenue Merchants Association wants to invite you to spend your Friday on the avenue.

Grab a beer — you can save a buck on drafts all day Friday, June 2, at Bar Passe, 417 N. Fourth — or get some free garlicky, knotted goodness with your lunchtime pizza at Brooklyn Pizza Company, 534 N. Fourth.

Heck, spend your whole Friday on the avenue and enjoy a plethora of special deals and discounts from nearly 20 restaurants, retailers or bars as part of the association’s new Fridays on Fourth initiative.

“We want to encourage people when they are thinking about what they are going to do Friday nights to consider Fourth Avenue,” said Fred Ronstadt, the association’s executive director.

Fridays on Fourth, which launches on June 2 and continues weekly, is the association’s latest and most expansive merchants program to date. Each week dozens of the avenue’s 120 merchants will offer discounts on merchandise, eats, drinks and services as a way to encourage people to make Fourth Avenue a Friday regular destination.

To read the full story by Cathalena E. Burch of Arizona Daily Star, click here.