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DTP Connects Goes Mobile


DTP Connects Goes Mobile - Phase II of DTP Connects seeks out homeless in need

Downtown Tucson, Az, February 19, 2018 - The Downtown homeless population receives an additional boost in services as Downtown Tucson Partnership (DTP) and Old Pueblo Community Services (OPCS) introduce phase II of the DTP Connects program. DTP Connects, an onsite homeless outreach program was wildly successful in its first two months; placing 54 homeless individuals into housing.

Phase II takes the outreach to the streets and outlying parks. DTP Security pairs up with an OPCS Community Engagement Specialist in a DTP Connects-branded golf cart twice a week. The outreach team searches for homeless individuals and delivers information about health services and housing on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10am until noon. The first day confirmed the program’s success with ten homeless individuals receiving needs assessments and five homeless individuals accepting services.    

Utilizing a mobile service adds a more active measure to help the Downtown homeless population. Instead of waiting for people in need to seek out services, DTP and OPCS staff are taking the message -- and the help -- directly to those who need it most. Thus far, the partnership between the two organizations has proven to be a powerful measure for change.

"What we've been able to accomplish with OPCS is nothing short of miraculous. Together with our partners we're putting an end to chronic street homelessness in Downtown Tucson," said Kathleen Eriksen, DTP Chief Executive Officer.

Since partnering with OPCS, DTP Connects has placed 54 homeless individuals in homes since November 1 and has helped decrease chronic street homelessness Downtown by 73% percent.

With the new DTP Connects mobile initiative, Downtown service leaders expect to see an even more robust success, said Terry Galligan, OPCS Chief Executive Officer.

"Our staff is providing resources to people who are homeless throughout the City and County.  We believe assisting people Downtown is important.  We plan to continue to work with people where they are. We will help them find both services and housing. Together we can solve the problem of chronic homelessness,” he said.


To see updated statistics on Phase I of the dtp connects program, click here.