St. Augustine Cathedral
Category Historic Landmarks
192 S Stone Ave
Tucson, AZ 85701
E on Turquoise Trail Map: From the corner of McCormick and 13th St., you can catch a glimpse of St. Augustine Cathedral. Begun in 1896, this Spanish Colonial Revival architecture features a magnificent sandstone facade that has an unusual tribute to local flora and fauna featuring a saguaro, yucca, horned lizard and various cacti. Housed inside, near the north wall, is one of the original bells from the Spanish-era Presidio San Agustin del Tucson (Stop #1 on the Trail.) Note that this “St. Augustine” is spelled with a “u”, unlike the original St. Agustin for which the Presidio was named.

Nearby Dining
- La Estrella Bakery141 S Stone Ave. (334 feet N)
- Talega Coffee Co.236 S Scott Ave. (459 feet SE)
- Penca Restaurante50 E Broadway Blvd (621 feet NE)
- St. Cruz Restaurant and Bar1 S Church Ave (747 feet NW)
Nearby Shopping
- Templeton's267 S Stone Ave (534 feet SE)
- The Sound Post: Tucson Folk Center267 S Stone Ave (551 feet SE)
- Ben's Bells Project40 W Broadway Blvd (556 feet NW)
- Vitnage44 E Broadway Blvd (577 feet NE)
Nearby Services
- St. Augustine Cathedral192-2 S Stone Ave (73 feet SW)
- Catholic Foundation for the Diocese of Tucson192 S Stone Ave (146 feet W)
- Diocese of Tucson192 S Stone Ave (181 feet NW)
- Carillo's Tucson Mortuary204 S Stone Ave (214 feet SW)